Wednesday 19 September 2012

Magazine Cover - Key features.

To the right i have examined a magazine cover and identified key features of this magazine (to the right).
Masthead - 
Its essentially the logo of the magazine, its normally image based and used to easily identify the magazine.
Sell Lines -
A sell line is something the publisher will sprawl all over the cover to intise the reader and make them want to read more by giving brief descriptions of the story inside the magazine.
Main sell line -
This is the main sell line, its the thing that the publishers think the readers will be most interested in, the thing that most people will recognise and want to read about.
Main image -
Usually in the center of the screen and too catch the buyers attention, its usually big vibrant and something that will most definately make you look twice. This is also an enigma code that will tease the audience.
Sub head -
This is often just to explain an enigma or and a teaser from the main sell line, usually placed around the main sell line.
Barcode -
Placed there obviously to just purchase the magazine.
Essential info -
Holds information such as the "price, date of publish and sometimes issue number".

1 comment:

  1. Thomas

    You have identified the key features of a magazine cover, and have defined each of these, as well as explaining their purpose. Well done.

