Wednesday 21 November 2012

Photoshop Skills Development 1 - Jarvis Cocker Task

In this task i have taken an image from the internet and have engineered it in photoshop to be representative of a magazine cover. I have changed a fair amount of things from the original image to make it suitable for a magazine cover.
To start i firstly changed the background colour i firstly did this by selecting all of the background that was originally there and deleted it by removing it from a duplicated layer, leaving a blank canvas. Choosing the background colour was difficult i had to pick something that complimented the image and was easy to pick other colours for sell lines that would be complimentary both of the background and the image. White seemed a good choice as a neutral background and has the most choice of complimentary colours.
Once i have selected the colour of the background i then had to decide on a good font, good size and a good colour. I've chose to go with a neutral black to stand out from the white, an obvious colour opposite, i used the text preferences tool to edit the stretch and width of the text to give an extended look to it. I then had to put the masthead behind the image. Doing this was difficult i chose to do it differently instead of layering it. I chose instead to use the brush removal effect where i would duplicate an image and add a layer mask, i would then select the brush tool and paint over it in a black colouring and it would remove the selected piece of the text giving it the look of it being behind the image.
I then felt that he needed a change up on his look. His bland facial skin colour and his expression didn't really blend well with the rest of the magazines tone. So i decided first to sharpen the edges, i then turned up the contrast and mixed about with the hue to give him a darker look and a more refined look to match with the magazines tone. Finally i Put on the sell lines and made the "Skate" have a popping effect by putting a drop shadow on it, messing around with the depth etc. 

1 comment:

  1. You have successfully completed the task and have provided a summary of the steps you followed in order to create the image. The only issue is the jagged edges around Jarvis Cocker, which you will need to avoid when it comes to producing your main task.
