Tuesday 4 December 2012

Proposal Table - Stage 2 (More Advanced)

Proposal Form

Describe your idea for the brief: My magazine is going to be named “sample”, Its going to have one main image on the cover with a mini image surrounding it or even in it. It is going to follow the concepts of my genre and stand out from the background. The main image will be placed over the masthead signifying importance of the image. Mostly vibrant colours are going to be used, since it follows the general stereotypes of the genre of music this magazine is going to follow
Genre/ sub genre: list similar texts which have inspired your thoughts
The magazine is going to be of a Dubstep/electro type style music genre. There isn’t many magazines around that are of this genre so I don’t really have a lot to go on, but it also means that I don’t have a lot of restrictions, since there isn’t many types of these magazines, it means that my ideas can be off the wall. However the current magazines available that I will draw ideas and concepts from are: KMag and GetDarker. These are the major dubstep magazines on the scene at the moment so it will give me the most idea of what is modern, what is suitable and what are people reading.
Target audience: gender/ age/ characteristics/ behaviour.
My audience will be unisex, music has no restrictions on sex so why should the magazine? Anyone who wants to read my magazine can. However it is likely that keen follows of this type of music genre will be interested and im expecting late teens to late 20’s to be buying/reading this magazine. They will obviously have to have a keen interest in the music and be wanting to understand more about it. It will house quite vibrant and slang language. So people that have never been to a dubstep gig, might not understand it.
Major conventions I will use a masthead that will be pushed behind the main image, to give more significance to the main image and show that I am confident in my magazines ability to pull in readers without them seeing the full name. I will use Headlines and strap lines to follow to give a fancier look and to pull in more audience. I will also use lures all around the cover of the magazine to, well lure people in, it will create an enigma which will make people want to read the magazine. I will also house the pugs on the front cover, which will house all the necessary information. Moving into the magazine I will use a double page spread followed by a kicker on the double page spread to increase interest and an enigma.
Conventions I may subvert/ change/ not use .
I am likely not to use a menu strip on the front cover, I feel it will overload the magazine and if anything push the readers away. I will subvert the masthead by placing it behind the main image so it takes away the power of authority from the masthead and places it on the main image. I will likely change and “fool around” with the strap line and the anchorage, trying to give the best possible chance to my magazine by enticing people in with this sentence.
Original images: what/ where/ what.
I am going to be getting my images of a person on a pair of decks with them dancing, to give the effect of them dancing along to their music. I will take these photos in my house. Im hoping these images will give the best possible chance to my magazine, as its going to entice people in by giving them an enigma of who this guy/girl is and where you can listen to his music. The other images will be those of other friends that will be them in gigs/nightclubs to get the full effect of them being in a dance environment.
Potential difficulties/ Plan B: The photo’s could pose a challenge, if I am unable to get my hands on people who will willingly get their photo’s taken. Another problem linking with photographs could be the image quality themselves. Plan B would be to completely redo my magazine genre and go with a more conventional rock magazine, so I can get easier images and have more choice and more magazines to get ideas and styles off. Which would make my job easier. But this would only be in extreme conditions, since it would take a lot of time to completely redo my whole magazine and get my thoughts and idea in a mind set of another genre.

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